Lately, Ellie has been doing this adorable thing where she sort of peers around or over things. It just melts your heart when it's you that she's looking for!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Fun with Grandpa and MeMe
Lately, Ellie has been doing this adorable thing where she sort of peers around or over things. It just melts your heart when it's you that she's looking for!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Daddy hears "Dada"
Update: Today (Saturday) I also heard Ellie say "dada." She was looking at a picture of the donkey from Shrek, but I think that was just a coincidence.
Crawling: the advanced course
Ellie has been practicing crawling day and night. She can now crawl from one end of the room to the other and today, she crawled through a tunnel. Pretty impressive, really!
Gracie isn't so sure about Ellie's new-found talent. I think she liked Ellie a lot more when Ellie couldn't move very much or very quickly (she seemed relieved that Ellie got distracted by the wall here):
I absolutely love that Ellie can (and does) crawl up to me when she wants to be cuddled -- I can't imagine anything more flattering than seeing that cute little girl work to get into my lap and then give me a big smile!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Why me?
A not-so-fun first
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
It's official!
Tiny Tots Tuesday
I love Gaga!
Intently watching the older kiddos
Checking out Papa's cool shirt
Then, we checked out the HUGE pumpkin patch. It was lunchtime, so Ellie's smiles were few and far between.
Rolling her tongue like Daddy and Auntie Jamie
After Ellie enjoyed a picnic lunch, she took a nap in her stroller while Gaga, Papa and I had lunch at the little tea room -- what a perfect day!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sleep, glorious sleep!
Ellie, my fierce protector!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Ellie from a new angle
So this afternoon, when Ellie woke up from her afternoon nap, I looked on the video monitor and saw a very different view of Ellie. Instead of looking at the side, front, or back of her head, I was looking at the top of her head?! Miss Ellie managed to sit up -- we'll see if it was a fluke or not.
Here's a video of her in the swing:
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Clapping and swinging
Also, Gaga and Papa are here and Papa and I put a swing in the front yard. We have a few kinks to work out (it twists instead of swinging straight -- just makes it more interesting, right?!), but Ellie really likes it. I think we will get HOURS of use out of it -- especially in the late afternoon when Ellie is just a little harder to entertain. I didn't get any pictures of Ellie in the swing, but I will tomorrow.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Moving in the right direction
Ellie has gotten very good at getting up on her hands and knees (and even gets up on her hands and feet now) and army crawls backwards, but today, she crawled forward for the first time! It was just one little step/crawl, but it was very exciting! She did it a couple of times and we sort of caught it on tape once:
In other news, Damian is back from China (yea!) -- Ellie gets SO excited every time she sees him. Unfortunately, both Damian and Ellie have colds. ;-( Hopefully they'll both make speedy recoveries and not swap colds.
Today, Ellie and I "interviewed" a new pediatrician (we're still trying to find one closer to the new house). The doctor was nice enough, but he said Ellie had a nice "beta-carotene glow." I haven't noticed, but in response to being called orange, Ellie had carrots and squash for dinner, and tomorrow she's trying a new food -- cantaloupe. ;-)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Mom learns a new trick too
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Could it be?
In her continuing effort to prove me wrong when I said that she wouldn't change much while Damian was out of town, Ellie started pulling up (sorta) today! She can't quite do it from the ground, but when she sits in my lap, she can do it. It's so cute to watch her try SO hard and then get really excited when she finds herself standing at her activity center. I really feel like she's changing by the minute right now. Honey, come home before she starts knitting and speaking in full sentences!
New Moms Group
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A new use for stackers
Ellie received these great stackers from Gaga's best buddy, Jill, and I couldn't figure out why the packaging said they were for kids 12 months and older. Hhm. I think I figured it out today. ;-)
The one she has in her mouth is the top/smallest stacker and it has a hole in it, so it makes a whistling sound when she breathes in and out. She thought that was very fun!
Really, I think she's just trying to follow in JR's (big-mouthed) footsteps:
Monday, September 8, 2008
Just the latest
So lately I've been terrible about catching all of the funny things Ellie is doing on video. These videos still don't do her justice, but at least they show a few of the new things she's doing.
She loves looking at herself in this book. She just gazes adoringly at the mirrors:
It seems like she's always "talking" these days. And when she's not talking, she's working on her fake cough and blowing raspberries.
Although she can't compete with Cousin Alex's OCD, she does become a bit preoccupied with random things like the patch on her clothes:
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Mealtime fun
We haven't had a very noteworthy weekend, but I wanted to post some pictures and a video of Ellie during dinner (one of her three favorite times a day):
Friday, September 5, 2008
(not) Sleeping and (not quite) Crawling
Unfortunately, Ellie and I are on our own for the next 9 days because Damian is in China for a few furniture fairs. We're going to miss him so much, but hopefully the time will pass quickly and the trip will be really successful. I told Damian that Ellie wouldn't change much while he was gone, but Ellie isn't cooperating...right after we got back from taking Damian to the airport, Ellie got up on her hands and knees for the first time! She hasn't actually crawled yet, but she is SO close -- she rocked back and forth and scooted backwards. I think it's just a matter of days...or weeks...or, at the most, months. ;-) Luckily, our friend, JR, came over to see Ellie this afternoon and he helped me lower the mattress in Ellie's crib, so if/when she does start crawling and even pulling up, she won't be able to climb out of her crib. I'm thinking that I better get busy with the rest of the baby-proofing!
Cheerios and separation anxiety
Ellie is well on her way to becoming an all-American toddler -- she's eating Cheerios now! I'm actually so impressed because she can pick them up between her thumb and forefinger. At first, she couldn't figure out how to let go of the Cheerio once it was in her mouth, but she figured that out pretty quickly. It's so funny watching her "chew" them -- she basically just moves them back and forth in her mouth until they dissolve. By the way, Ellie doesn't really have a black eye -- I don't know why it looks so horrible in this video.
On her journey towards toddlerhood, Ellie has made a stop at separation anxiety. The poor girl cries when I leave the room, or even move to the other side of the same room. I always thought it would be fun to have a really cuddly baby, but I know now that it's impossible to get anything done! Thank goodness we have that little highchair that hooks on to the kitchen counter -- plopping her in there is the only way I can get meals together -- she loves sitting at the counter, watching me cook and clean up. Of course, what Ellie really wants is her friends and family to come visit so she always has someone to play when can we expect you?
Monday, September 1, 2008
Bittersweet days
And now the sweet: Christmas came early to Plano. It came in the form of a HUGE consignment sale with tons of baby-related stuff. Gaga and I went on Friday and we found all kinds of bargains. We ended up getting bags and bags of toys for Ellie -- all of them for just a few dollars each. I love bargain shopping! And Ellie loves her new toys -- she gets so excited looking at all of them and trying to decide what to suck on first.
Although Ellie hasn't started crawling yet, she's still working on it and she's also getting quite good at standing without support (we will obviously need to work on her treatment of animals -- poor, poor ostrich):