I was just telling Jamie how Ellie has started requesting forks (instead of "poons") at mealtime and how I'm thrilled she's doing this at her new church-based mother's day out program because her "fork" sounds vaguely (and when I say "vaguely," I mean EXACTLY) like the king of all naughty words. Jamie asked for a video. If there are children in the room, I recommend telling them to cover their ears!
Here's another video of Charlie hanging out in his favorite spot (the changing table):
She wasn't even scared of the very creepy Halloween decoration, but she did keep a close eye on it:
As you can hear in the video, he has recently started cooing a little bit -- love it!
Well, we've obviously lowered our standards for "acceptable treats for Ellie!" I gave her the first half of this popsicle when her throat was sore, but I don't have any excuse (other than just making her happy) for giving her the second half.
And now the trick...mean Daddy!
Last Wednesday, we went to an urban farm where Ellie got to feed goats (she was not a fan!), go through a maze, climb a big pile of hay bales, choose a pumpkin from a big field o' pumpkins, and ride in a barrel. Normally they offer hay rides, but it was way too muddy, and Ellie seemed to think this was just as fun anyway!
Hhm. How do you explain to a toddler that it's not okay to give the dog an open mouthed kiss?
After rocking out for a while, I took Ellie up to bed. I brushed her teeth, got her in her jammies and then took her to the top of the stairs to say goodnight to Damian. I called "Daddy" a few times and he didn't hear me. Thinking Ellie might have more luck, I told her to call Daddy. So she yelled "Daddy!...HONEY!" So for the first time, I realized that I need to employ a little more variety in my pet names.
Then, this afternoon, I witnessed the most exciting first -- Charlie's first big, gummy smile (he had smiled a few times for Damian earlier in the day, but made me wait until this afternoon). As all the books predict, the smile came just when I was exhausted and feeling like I would spend the rest of my life cleaning poo off the walls...no, seriously, that's what I was thinking because minutes before I experienced the Great Poo Event of '09! In the middle of a diaper change, Charlie decided he wasn't satisfied with a wimpy little wet diaper and, while I had both his legs in the air, cleaning his bum, he poo'ed...everywhere! And it just kept coming. Thank goodness Damian came upstairs a few minutes later and we at least out-numbered the great pooing machine. I kid you not when I say we ended up cleaning poo off the wall, the door, the inside of a box sitting at the end of the changing table. It was incredible, but totally worth the sweet, sweet smile that I saw a few minutes later.
The last first of the weekend...Ellie's first American-cooked Sunday lunch/dinner (we did a scaled down version with just roasted chicken, potatoes, and parsnips, yorkshire puddings, and mashed carrots). Following in her cousins' footsteps, Ellie's favorite part was the yorkshire pudding. And I loved it all -- yum!
Thanks for coming over to play, friends! It was great to see you!
Damian gave me the best "push present" -- a tiny little camcorder that I can put in the diaper bag so I can catch all kinds of memorable moments. These are not necessarily that memorable, but I thought everyone might like to see the kiddos in action...and I had fun playing with my new toy!