Monday, March 29, 2010
Little Mommy
Ellie is loving her baby doll. She's very sweet with her -- she puts her in the exersaucer, shh's me if she's napping, asks me to hold her hand when we're going up the stairs, and gives her medicine in a bottle. Today, I looked over to see Ellie feeding her...you think she's seen me feed Charlie a few hundred times?!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Ready for summer!
Now that's fun!
It's been a big weekend for Charlie. He graduated to a big boy carseat and he started sitting up in the bath. Previously, I had to just lay him on a big sponge and he liked kicking his legs, but bathtime is A LOT more fun now! I think we have another water baby on our hands.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Disney on Ice
Here's Ellie's reaction (or lack thereof) to the start of the show:
And Charlie checking out the action:
As I said above, Ellie hardly spoke a word during the performance. She watched it all, but she seemed to be thinking about really serious things at the same time. I thought she might be pondering questions like how did they make it snow in here? if Mickey is here, how can he be on the DVR at home? if Goofy and Pluto are both dogs, why is it that only Goofy can talk? You know, important questions like that. So when she turned to me midway through the second half with an excited expression on her face, I thought "here we go -- she's going to resume her expressive, 24x7 stream of consciousness and we'll get to hear what she thinks about the show." I was only 50% right. Managing to project her voice over the loud performance and lots of chatter, Ellie exclaimed (and this really should be in all caps, but I can hardly bring myself to type it, much less in all caps), "Ellie's got a penis!" My jaw dropped as I quickly calculated just how many people heard this very interesting statement, and before I could react in a more productive manner, she said "No...a 'gina!" I couldn't do anything except laugh...a lot. Damian's reaction: "Now are you glad that you taught her the proper name for those things?" See, we've been having a running debate about this -- my MOMS group had a speaker (presumably with some appropriate qualifications) who said that it's important to talk to kids about their "bits" and to teach kids the proper names for them so that they don't ever think they're something to be embarrassed about. That way, if they have questions or if, God forbid, anyone tried to do something horrible to them, they wouldn't be embarrassed to talk to you about it. Makes perfect sense to me. I just didn't expect to talk about it in the middle of Disney on Ice. Ellie has said it several times since then, so don't be surprised if we're on the phone at some point and, in the background, you hear "Ellie's got a penis!" Now I'm going to sit down and figure out how to write Ellie's teacher a note about this so she's not concerned.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Trike-a-thon update
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Princess Weepsalot
So I knew that little girls could be dramatic, but I assumed that the drama didn't start until middle school or at least late elementary school. Man, was I wrong! I think they come out of the womb more dramatic. Miss Ellie went from being Princess Grumbalina to Princess Weepsalot. There are days, like today, when it seems like she cries ALL DAY! Many times, I have a hard time not laughing...and other times, I have a hard time not crying myself. Today, Princess Weepsalot woke up on the wrong side of the crib and everything drove her to tears. I took this video after 30 minutes of tears caused by an attempt to go on a walk...an activity that would normally drive Ellie to squeals of joy, but today caused sobs over her footwear (first she wanted the pink shoes, then the brown shoes, then the shoes from her teacher, then the brown shoes, then no socks, then different socks...) and the mode of transportation (first she wanted to go in the stroller, then the wagon, then the buggy (which she knows is the same thing as the wagon), then the wagon...). You might wonder what kind of mother turns the video camera on her sobbing daughter instead of wrapping her in hugs and kisses (believe me, I had already tried that!)...well, I'll tell you -- the kind of mother who wants something to show her daughter in order to explain why she blew her college fund on margaritas and Haagen-Daz.
Friday, March 19, 2010

Cabin fever

We went to the park yesterday and I put Charlie in the swing for the first time. He LOVED it! I had forgotten the video camera in the car, but after hearing his belly laughs, I ran back to get it -- the second time around, he wasn't hysterical like he was the first time, but he clearly still enjoyed it! It's just crazy that Charlie is old enough to swing in these swings -- it seems like just yesterday that a baby Ellie was laughing in them.
Ellie was about 9.5 months old here:
Now Ellie is Little Miss Independent on the play structure -- she doesn't need any help at all!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Ellie's First Easter Egg Hunt
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
She's here!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
And so it begins
On March 25th, Miss Ellie will make her way around a track, either riding or pushing a car/toy, as many times as she can...realistically, I will be impressed if she makes it around once without losing interest. ;-) So, no pressure, but if you want to sponsor her, we would love it. You can either sponsor her for an amount per lap (and also name a minimum and maximum amount that you're willing to contribute) or you can make a flat pledge/donation. I'll update on March 25th and let you all know how many laps she completed...maybe she'll get caught up in the excitement and make it around twice. ;-)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Charlie and the exersaucer
Charlie is loving his exersaucer...especially now that it provides a mode of transportation (for the record, Damian is wearing swim trunks)!
I think we should invest in a copy of "Are You My Mother?" -- Charlie seems unusually attached to the penguin that Auntie Jamie got him for Christmas.
The sweetest sound
Charlie has the best belly laugh! He saves his biggest laughs for Ellie, but he humors Mommy and Daddy sometimes too.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Definitely their father's children!
It's official -- everyone in this house, other than me, has some seriously weird sleep habits! Both kids are taking after their dad and like to sleep with things on their faces. I had to go in three times last night to take Charlie's lovey blanket off of his face and Ellie has taken to sleeping with a pillow on her head. Weird, weird.
In the video, you can also see evidence of Ellie's other nap-time habit...she takes off her socks and throws them out of the crib. Everyday.