Ellie already recognizes that you have to take advantage of any break in the Texas heat!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Friday, June 18, 2010
Twinkle toes

I've been trying to Charlie to eat more finger foods, but he's not a huge fan. If he doesn't like something, he just sticks his tongue out and waits for the piece of food to fall out of his mouth. It's pretty hard not to laugh when he does it.
Here's a video of him (sort of) eating freeze-dried peas:
Going green
Several months ago, Hillary sparked my interest in green smoothies after she attended a class on making them. Then I saw a product demonstration for this amazing blender (it blends pretty much anything -- raw carrots and apples, seeds and nuts, iPads and iPhones, etc.) and I've been coveting it ever since. My super-sweet hubby got it for me for our anniversary and I am loving it! And Ellie, who doesn't normally get juice, thinks she's hit the jackpot -- she loves everything that comes out of the blender.
Yesterday, we had grape, strawberry, and spinach juice (the color left a lot to be desired, but it was really tasty). Ellie kept asking for more!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Yep, he's up
Well, it wasn't a fluke. Charlie can pull up in his crib. He can't get down, but that's just a small detail...a small detail that is becoming a very big detail at bedtime, nap time, and first thing in the morning! After getting this video of him standing, I laid him back down and a few minutes later, he was back on his knees. I tried really hard to let him figure it out, but the sounds of pure panic became too much so I ran upstairs to see him clinging to the side of the crib with one arm while he slowly sank to one side. Poor little guy! At least he was happy about his accomplishment in this video:
Family fun on wheels
For our third anniversary, I gave Damian a bike trailer so he can get out with the kids (and if I get confident enough on the bike, I can too...or we can get a tandem bike so Damian can drag me around too). Charlie is still a bit young for it, I think, but Ellie loves it.
Tiny Dancer
Not everything that goes up, comes down
I’ve heard that when some kids first learn to pull up, they get “stuck” because they can’t figure out how to get back down. I had not heard, however, that some kids who learn how to get up on their knees also get “stuck.” Sweet Charlie loves to get up on his knees in his crib, but he can’t figure out how to get back down. He’s had to be rescued the last two mornings, at naps and before bed. I know you’re supposed to let them just work it out -- whether that means they fall asleep in that crazy position or collapse in utter exhaustion -- but I just can’t do it (yet!). It’s too sad to hear his panicked cries and then see his pitiful little swollen eyes and tear-soaked face peaking over the edge of the crib. I’m sure his bright and early wake up calls will make me less sympathetic and this morning I found him in the standing position, so I suspect it’s going to get worse before it gets better!
Seriously, who can resist this sweet face?

Friday, June 11, 2010
Oh so that’s what they meant!
Everyone has always said that boys find trouble faster, easier, and more often than girls; and I always thought “yeah, yeah, that’s probably true most of the time, but have you met my girl?!” I think I might be ready to admit that while Ellie is quite a handful for a girl, there’s just something in a boy’s DNA that gives him a radar for trouble! Charlie is as sweet as can be, but he just gets into things at lightening speed. I really thought I was a pro at baby-proofing after surviving Ellie’s I-must-put-everything-in-my-mouth-NOW phase, but Charlie is teaching me some new lessons. The other day, when I put him down for a nap, I tried to nurse him and he gagged (and bit me!) – he had done that a few times while on antibiotics that were making him nauseous, so I was afraid that he was coming down with something. I gave him a pacifier, put him in his crib and he fell asleep right away. He took a nice nap and then played happily in his crib for about 15 minutes before I went in to get him. I got him out of the crib, changed his diaper and sat down to try nursing him again (this was about 2.5 hours after my last attempt). He smacked his lips and then sort of gagged again and seemed to be chewing on something. I swept his mouth and found this:
The seal from a new bottle of sunscreen. He had it in his mouth for more than TWO AND A HALF HOURS! Obviously I was just thrilled that he hadn’t choked on it or swallowed it, but seriously?! I’m saying lots and lots of prayers that I’m able to keep both of my kiddos alive during this fun and challenging stage!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Crawling, revised
Friday, June 4, 2010
Pretty pillowcase

Just watching for the locusts
I thought Charlie would be healthy now that cold and flu season is over…wrong. He had a double ear infection a few weeks ago (again!), then thrush (again!) and now it’s hand, foot and mouth disease! Poor little dude! The doctor didn’t see any blisters in his mouth or throat (but she couldn’t get a very good look because he did his pit bull impression and locked his jaw), but his precious little feet are covered in little blisters (it’s pretty hard to see in the picture) and, based on how fussy he is, I think there must be at least a few in his throat.
This morning I overheard the sweetest thing! Ellie, Charlie and I were eating breakfast and I got up to get something from the kitchen. Charlie started crying (his M.O. anytime I walk away, especially during meals) and Ellie said, “She’ll be right back; it’s okay, Charlie.” Awh!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
I did it!
Lesley taught me how to crochet again (Mom taught me a few years ago, but I had completely forgotten) and I made a hat! It’s really an adult-size hat, but since Ellie has a big melon, it works just fine for her!
Uncle Jamie “Fire”
On the way back from San Antonio, we stopped at Jamie B.’s fire station for a quick visit. I think Ellie was very impressed to learn that her uncle is a fireman (she’s become very interested in fire trucks and fireman) – she dubbed him “Uncle Jamie Fire.”
KidFest 2010
We spent Memorial Day weekend at Mandy’s house in San Antonio with the Adams clan and even though we missed the other families from KidFest 2009, we had SOOOO much fun! Ellie was absolutely in heaven as she experienced life as a twin – she and Jackson did everything together all weekend. They each woke up immediately asking where the other was and then spent the rest of the day swimming, playing in (or near, in Ellie’s case) the bounce house, and just generally having a ball! Charlie and Baron were slightly less active, but they did enjoy looking at each other and Charlie loved just watching all of the activity that constantly swirled around the older kiddos. So while I definitely do not think I could manage twins, it was super fun to see Ellie so happy during the day and to hang out with our best friends at the same time!
This is sort of random, but I don't want to forget this sweet story -- Ellie and Jackson were playing in the pool and Jackson decided that he wanted to get in the bounce house. Ellie went over and watched him for a little while (she's still terrified of bounce houses), but then decided she wanted to go back to the pool...and she wanted Jackson to come too. I said that I would play with her and that Jackson would come over later, but this did not satisfy her. She went to the edge of the patio and yelled to Jackson (who was probably 200 yards away) "Jackson, come here. Come here, Jackson. 1. 2. 3. Okay, timeout." She tried it several times, but had no luck!
Ellie and Jackson had a great time pretending to drive Mandy’s ATV/golf cart/thing. Jackson said he was taking Ellie to Stonebriar Mall. ;-)
I’m not sure who they were calling to, but they were doing it enthusiastically:
Charlie tried watermelon for the first time and he was not a fan :
Ellie, on the other hand, double-fisted watermelon at every opportunity!
We definitely have another water baby on our hands – Charlie just loved being in the water, splashing and kicking.
The daddies and the big kids watching a movie after a long day…I think the daddies look more tired than the kiddos!
Another summer playdate
Miss Molly Greco came over for a swim last week and the girls had so much fun! Ellie’s bossy side came out as she tried to tell Molly what to do, where to do it, when to do it, and how to do it…but luckily, Molly didn’t seem to mind. I guess we know what’s in store for Charlie!
How cute is she?! I just can’t get over how petite she is – she’s four months older than Charlie, but smaller than him by several pounds (and maybe a couple inches) and she’s SO coordinated! It’s so fun to watch this little peanut run and climb everywhere!
Cutie Pie
I thought Ellie looked particularly cute and grown up last week so I took a few pictures. I look at her these days and wonder where my baby went!
Sitting up
Charlie has learned how to get into a seated position from his tummy, which he enjoys doing over and over and over again! This morning, I woke up to his angry screams because he couldn’t sit up under his mobile and I think he had run out of patience for just crawling laps around his crib.
He’s also saying “dada” constantly now and this weekend, Damian saw Charlie get up on his knees. Lots of fun milestones!
Summer playdate
My MOMS group is so much fun! We get together every Wednesday and it’s always so much fun to watch the kiddos together. A couple weeks ago, we hosted a playdate at our house and the kids made little caterpillars out of egg cartons and wildflower seeds (Charlie and Frankie Joy checked out the action from the stroller…and luckily Frankie didn’t mind Charlie trying to get fresh with her!). Here’s Ellie, Emma (in pink), Meredith (in yellow) and Jackson (in blue) (unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture of Cain, Dylan, or Baron, but they were also here).
Pretty quickly, the kids decided that it would be a lot more fun to just run through the sprinklers!
When Daddy is in charge of bathtime
Damian generally doesn’t like washing Ellie’s hair (because Ellie generally hates having it done), but he got into it on this particular night…
Nana and Auntie “Gina”
I’m so behind on my blogging! Nana and Auntie Georgina (who was quickly dubbed “Gina” by Ellie) came for a two week visit earlier in May. It was SO nice to have them here and we were all sad to see them go. Ellie loved reading books with them, hanging out outside, and just generally having two more companions around the house. Since they left, Ellie has asked for Nana several times and keeps looking out at the window saying “Gina? ‘Mon, Gina!”
As usual, I did a horrible job of taking pictures…until about 20 minutes before they had to leave for the airport, so there isn’t much variety, but at least we have proof that Nana and Gina were in the States!