Saturday, April 24, 2010


We took part in a big Texas tradition on Friday – the obligatory bluebonnet pictures.  We declined to take the pictures on the side of a highway like a lot of people do (seriously!) – Hillary and Jay found a great spot away from fast-moving cars.  So here are way too many pictures:

My happy little man:

DSC_0399 DSC_0218Best buddies:

DSC_0227Can you tell that Ellie was just a little excited to see Jackson?

DSC_0230 DSC_0231Making her move:

DSC_0237Playing hard to get:

DSC_0241 DSC_0245Jackson on sweet little Baron:

DSC_0252 DSC_0273Baby Harper and Mama Jessica:

DSC_0297 DSC_0397DSC_0305 DSC_0314Another set of best buddies:

DSC_0318This picture cracks me up!  I can’t tell if he’s trying to bite her or yelling at her – not very gentlemanly, either way.

DSC_0323 DSC_0326 A rare, rare picture of the three of us:

DSC_0337 DSC_0341Unfortunately, Miss Ellie was very tired by the time I took her individual pictures, so no big smiles, but she’s still awfully pretty!


Friday, April 23, 2010

Some random pictures

Although Charlie still isn’t crawling, he’s content to be on his tummy for ages – he just likes to kick his legs and flail his arms – it sort of looks like he’s swimming…or high-centered on his impressive belly!DSC_0070 I thought we had done a good job of playing with absolutely every toy in the playroom on this particular day.  I actually like seeing the playroom like this at the end of the day – I figure it means that we’ve had lots of fun!

DSC_0134 DSC_0135 DSC_0144 DSC_0146 DSC_0153 Our little ham

DSC_0204 Ellie’s latest thing is climbing into Charlie’s exersaucer.  She seems just a little too big.

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Gaga and Papa time

Gaga and Papa are back from Cozumel and we were lucky enough to have an extra long visit with them.  The watched Ellie (during the day) while Charlie and I were in Colorado, which was a huge blessing for us because it meant that Damian didn’t have to take time off…and Ellie was so busy having tons of fun that she hardly noticed we were gone. 


I just love watching Ellie with Gaga and Papa – she is never happier than when they’re here.  She loves reading books, going on walks, playing with sidewalk chalk, coloring and just generally having someone who responds anytime she says “’mon, Gaga, ‘mon” (translation: come on, Gaga, come on).


In addition to loving on the grandkids, Papa helped me get started on Ellie’s new room.  I’m saving the details for the big reveal, which could still be months away, but trust me – he did a great job, and it’s super cute!  Papa also put up another baby swing in the front yard, so now both kiddos can swing at the same time – yay!  Miss Ellie could swing for hours everyday – she absolutely loves it!



And Charlie is always happy when we’re outside, so I think we’ll get lots of use out of these swings!


Papa also helped Damian assemble a new picnic table for Ellie.  I looked out the kitchen window while they were working on it and laughed out loud – it sure looked like Ellie was reading the directions to them!


And we finally remembered to get some pictures of everyone together!         





Pucker up

Charlie gives the sweetest kisses – I just love them.  This one was a tad uncomfortable, but sweet nonetheless (it lasted long enough for Damian to get up, get the camera, and snap several pictures).

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Gracie’s least favorite Easter present

Ellie would like to thank Shiny Grandpa and Meme for her Easter present.  Gracie would not.


Is it just me, or does Gracie look just a little beaten down?  Poor girl.  Ellie just thinks it’s hilarious to put the flower headband on her.DSC_0113DSC_0111

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I don't think he likes it

I am so behind on blogging, but I thought I would post this video to tide you over. Apparently, Charlie is NOT a fan of asparagus!

Baby love

Okay, I'm finally catching up on the blog. And first great trip to Colorado! Charlie and I first flew to Grand Junction to see Gigi. It was a quick trip (less than 24 hours), but it was so nice to see her -- and it was the first time she had seen Charlie. Although he was a bit sleep-deprived, he turned on the charm for Gigi -- it was so sweet to watch him cuddle up with her and I know Gigi is still smiling ear-to-ear about it.

After our quick trip to Grand Junction, we flew to Denver to meet Baby Aubrey. It was so nice to have a long weekend with the Galyons and Aubrey is absolutely a love -- she's just so sweet and she loves to cuddle. And Big Sister Alex is so fun -- we made Easter cards, played computer games, and talked...a lot! Apparently the motor-mouth gene may have come from the Ellis side. ;-) She says the most hilarious things -- so entertaining.

My only regret from the trip (other than not being able to bring Miss Ellie with me) is that I didn't take a single picture! At least I stole this picture from Jamie:

I missed Ellie SO much while we were gone. Even though I have plenty of days when I am REALLY ready for her to go to bed for the night, I just love being with her -- she makes me laugh several times a day, she always has something silly to say, she's bursting with energy, and when she does slow down, she gives the best cuddles! The only thing that made it bearable to be away from her was knowing that she was having a great time with Daddy, Gaga, and Papa -- and the reunion wasn't bad either. She was asleep by the time I got home, so I got to go in and get her first thing the next morning -- just her reaction was enough to bring me tears. And then when she saw Charlie? There wasn't a dry eye in the house -- she just squealed "it's Charlie!!! Hi Charlie! Hi!" Oh so sweet!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Charlie and I are in Colorado visiting Baby Aubrey, the rest of the Galyon family, and the Ellis family, and we've both been missing Ellie and all of her crazy antics. Charlie really seems lost without her and he's been much, much more fussy without her constant entertainment (which is really sweet, but sad for Charlie).

Alex made me less homesick with some of the classic things she said today:

I was changing Charlie's diaper and Alex looked over my shoulder and said "I like the thing he pees with. It's big."
Preparing for their weekly movie picnic, Alex asked Jamie to read the description of the movie we were going to watch. When Jamie finished, Alex said "That sounds horrible!"
Alex likes to sit on my lap while I play a computer game called Tumble Bugs. Today, she said "Adrienne, you're not very good at this game."
Alex: "You crack me up, Adrienne."