As promised, here is a picture from our sonogram yesterday:

Baby Bean is doing great! He (we haven't found out the gender, but we both think it's a boy, so I'm opting for the male pronouns) was so fun to watch -- he crossed his legs a lot, just like Ellie, and although he didn't clutch his hands together as much as she did, he did seem to like to have his arms resting on his budha belly. He's measuring pretty big, so who knows whether my due date is correct. According to his measurements yesterday, I'm due August 31, not September 5. We shall see. I'm hoping that this is just an early growth spurt and not a sign that we're having a gigantic baby! He's 5 inches long already and weighs 5 ounces -- the doc said at this point, babies normally weigh 2-3 ounces. Yikes!
We have a level 2 sonogram early next month to check for heart defects (my OB seems to be pretty aggressive with testing, etc. and wants to do the level 2 since Ellie has a VSD), so we should get an even better look at this little guy. I can't wait -- I'm not feeling much movement yet, so it's fun to get a glimpse at what's going on in there!
YEAH!!! Hi, Baby Hirst! What fun to get to see him (yes, I think it's a boy too, but I was TOTALLY wrong about Ellie so that clearly means nothing)! Can't wait to feel him move and then get to meet him!
So exciting!!!! We can't wait to meet Baby Bean (aka Fritz:) in late August! He is obviously already very smart and ridiculously good looking!
Beautiful picture of the bun! I am so happy for you!!!
I am so happy for y'all! Congratulations!
awwwww...what is it about those ultrasound pics that is so freakin' adorable? Soo soo cute. I can't wait to meet that little baby!
Fritz is lookin' marvelous! Ellie is going to be a great big sister! We're sure that your home will be filled with love and laughter and just a little laundry too!
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