We made it...again! On Sunday, in the midst of the not-so-fun stomach bug, Ellie and I managed to get packed up and make our way to London where we met Damian (who had been in Milan for the furniture fair) and then drove up to Leeds. Our flight left at 7:20 p.m. and I hadn't actually decided until 3:30 p.m. (when Ellie woke up from her nap in a decent mood) whether Ellie and I would be traveling -- Ellie was still under the weather and I was terrified that her stomach bug would flare up in the middle of the 9 1/2 hour flight! Luckily, Miss Ellie seemed to be cured by the transatlantic journey -- she was so happy to be around a bunch of strangers (friends-to-be, in Ellie's world) and although her appetite still hasn't made a total comeback, she hasn't seemed to feel sick since we left. So although Ellie wasn't sick, which was awesome, she also didn't sleep much. We lucked out and had an empty seat next to us and a very nice woman on the other side (it was a middle row of three), but Ellie is now so tall that she couldn't sleep comfortably, even though she had a seat to herself. She ended up waking up every 20-30 minutes throughout the flight. By the time we landed, I thought my eyelids were lined with sandpaper and Ellie was completely zoned out...Damian thought I had resorted to doping Ellie on Benadryl, but she was just so tired that she didn't even react when she saw him -- poor thing! We both slept very well on the way up to Leeds, so we were feeling a little more human by the time we saw Nana (Ellie was very confused when she saw Lesley -- we had been telling her that we were on our way to see Nana, so Ellie was surprised to see Lesley, not a banana -- should have thought about that before I started calling bananas 'nanas'!).
We've had a great time since we got here. On Tuesday, we saw Auntie Georgina, Auntie Emma and Cousins Thomas and Joseph. Ellie and Joseph are so cute together -- they look like they could be twins and they're very interested in each other. Joseph seems happy to have someone his own size to play with and Thomas likes having two little ones to show around -- at one point, he walked up the stairs and then called from the top, 'come on, kids!'
On Wednesday, we stuck close to home and then Ellie and I walked down to the park after her nap. There were two little boys playing football/soccer and Ellie was desperate to join in! I guess we might have a little soccer-player on our hands! Grandma Sue came over for dinner later and Ellie enjoyed her position at the head of the table...she thought it gave everyone a much better view of her and her antics. ;-)
On Thursday, Damian, Ellie and I went for a walk in a gorgeous park! It's HUGE (you can't even see the city that is all around it) and it has a great little tea house on the lake. Ellie loved walking along the path and through the grass -- she is so stable on her feet these days and she seems to be able to walk forever.
Today, Nana watched the boys and we went to a neat little city farm with them. There were cows, pigs (and piglets), sheep (and babies), chickens, ducks, etc. Ellie practiced her animal sounds and was happy just to roam the area, and the boys liked feeding the animals. And tonight, Damian and I had a date night -- thanks for watching Ellie, Nana!

And now you're caught up. ;-)
We've had a great time since we got here. On Tuesday, we saw Auntie Georgina, Auntie Emma and Cousins Thomas and Joseph. Ellie and Joseph are so cute together -- they look like they could be twins and they're very interested in each other. Joseph seems happy to have someone his own size to play with and Thomas likes having two little ones to show around -- at one point, he walked up the stairs and then called from the top, 'come on, kids!'
On Wednesday, we stuck close to home and then Ellie and I walked down to the park after her nap. There were two little boys playing football/soccer and Ellie was desperate to join in! I guess we might have a little soccer-player on our hands! Grandma Sue came over for dinner later and Ellie enjoyed her position at the head of the table...she thought it gave everyone a much better view of her and her antics. ;-)
On Thursday, Damian, Ellie and I went for a walk in a gorgeous park! It's HUGE (you can't even see the city that is all around it) and it has a great little tea house on the lake. Ellie loved walking along the path and through the grass -- she is so stable on her feet these days and she seems to be able to walk forever.
Today, Nana watched the boys and we went to a neat little city farm with them. There were cows, pigs (and piglets), sheep (and babies), chickens, ducks, etc. Ellie practiced her animal sounds and was happy just to roam the area, and the boys liked feeding the animals. And tonight, Damian and I had a date night -- thanks for watching Ellie, Nana!

And now you're caught up. ;-)
So glad to hear that the trip is going so well. . .I was worried Ellie would still be sick. We are thinking of you guys and Jackson laments Ellie's absence often. Looking forward to having you back in the US:)
Sounds like so much fun!!! I'm so glad it is going so well!
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