I took Charlie to the doc today (he has two ear infections) and had him weighed and measured because I've been so curious to see how he's growing. They didn't do the "official" weigh-in (where they strip him down to just a dry diaper), but fully clothed and in a not-totally-dry diaper, he weighs 15 lbs., 10 oz. and he's 25.5 inches long. They didn't tell me what percentile that puts him in, but according to one website, he's in the 25-50th percentile on weight and 50-75th on length, which seemed low until I dug out Ellie's stats; at four months, she weighed 16 lbs., 15 oz. (in just a dry diaper) and was 27 inches long. Guess Charlie has some catching up to do!
I can't find a picture of Ellie at 4 months (I know there are millions of them out there, I just don't have them on my computer for some reason), but here's a comparison of Charlie at 3 months and Ellie at 2.5 months.
They both are thriving, that's for sure. Now they just need a good healthy stretch and life will be grand.
Charlie's not much smaller than Ellie was. Both are healthy and that's all that's important. We're anxious to seem them in a few days. Papa
I agree with me... well, that other comment was Gaga pretending to be me, but that counts. They all find their own curves and once you get them both over these darn colds, everything will be wonderful again!
ditto to all of the above. They look fantastic, Adrienne! They also look alike to me, although it may be just that you seem to have identically fixed their hairdos...
Can't wait to see you all!
They are both perfect and precious:) Charlie is less than 2 pounds smaller than Ellie. . .they are pretty close I guess!
I had to enlarge the kiddos baby pictures to see their differences because they look so similar to me. Isn't it funny how moms see the details in our children others miss? You have a beautiful family!
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