Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Chef Ellie

Ellie loves helping out in the kitchen.  The other day, she made her first pizza and she did an awesome job!  She helped roll out the dough (and loved sprinkling flour on the dough) and then pricked it with a fork:

DSC_1065DSC_1066 Spread it with sauce and tore up some spinach to put on top (and was very diligent about placing the spinach evenly over the sauce):

DSC_1068 DSC_1073 And the most important ingredient: CHEESE!

DSC_1080 About to enjoy the fruits of her labor:


Charlie enjoyed the fruits of her labor too.  It was his first real “people food” and he’s definitely a fan!  If given the choice, Charlie would feed himself 100% of the time – he seems to think that being spoon-fed is for babies.  If only he could use a spoon!

DSC_1059 DSC_1060 DSC_1061 DSC_1057


Hillary Adams said...

How fun for ya'll to be able to cook together! I love that Charlie loves pizza as well, that's my kind of man!

BaxtersCZM said...

You are starting a beautiful tradition of cooking together. A wonderful time to enjoy each other AND produce something together.