Saturday, January 14, 2012

Keanan at 4 months

Our tiny little man is already four months old…a 1/3 of a year…nearly a toddler, really!  I know every mama has to say this about her babies, but her really is the sweetest little guy ever!  He smiles with his whole body (really, if you make eye contact with him and smile, he absolutely beams and nearly folds in half out of excitement) and is SO vocal – he squawks and screams in delight…and anger, but only in the middle of the night.  Speaking of the middle of the night, in the last month, I have seen more of Keanan in the wee hours of the night than I did during his first three months of life combined. He used to be an amazing sleeper and then the wheels fell off…along with the doors, the bumpers, and at least one headlight.  He went from waking once for a quick feed after sleeping 9-11 hours, so being up 3-4 times a night and often not going longer than 3 hours between feeds.  I’m confident that he’s not hungry, but he has decided that nursing is the only way he’ll go back to sleep…and he can and will scream for hours on end until I give in.  Turkey.

Anyway, he’s definitely not suffering from malnutrition!  I got his stats when he was just a week shy of four months and he weighed 15 lbs, 13 oz. (74th percentile), was 26.5 inches long (94th percentile) and his head was in the 78th percentile.  He seems to be following a similar growth curve to Charlie, despite weighing a pound and a half more than him at birth.  At four months, Charlie weighed 15 lbs., 10 oz. and was 25.5 inches long.  Ellie at four months had already left the boys in the dust, weighing in at 16 lbs., 15 oz. and measuring 27 inches long.

For Father’s Day 2008, I had pictures taken of Ellie and one of them remains one of Damian’s favorites.  I had a similar one taken of Charlie and went this week and had one taken of Keanan.  Damian just loves the “planking” stage and Keanan is a first class planker!


Some other cutie-patootie pictures of the little guy:

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I found these pictures of Charlie at about the same age:

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Shiny Grandpa said...

Fantastic! (the photos, not the sleeping issues) Keanan really does have a Hirst kiddo smile!

Hillary Adams said...

Keanan is SO precious!! I can't get over the dimples:)

BaxtersCZM said...

Are the Hirst boys charmers or what? Let's see when do you think the phone will start ringing for them, next week, maybe?