Charlie has already had a number of visitors -- Celena, Hillary, Jay and Jackson visited yesterday. We didn't get a picture of Celena or Jay (that just means that you both will have to come visit us again soon), but here are a few of the Adams family:
Charlie already loves Ellie:

And Ellie pointing out the cars to Gaga:

Ellie and Jackson have become little partners in crime! Hillary said that during dinner, Ellie started spitting out her peas, which Jackson found hilarious. Hillary told Ellie to stop and Jackson immediately started spitting out his peas, which Ellie found hilarious. They multiplied their getting-into-trouble power! While visiting Charlie, they decided to divide and conquer, trying to get out of the room or at least pull the doorstop out of the ground:

Natalie visited Charlie today and he slept soundly in her arms for a few hours:

Charlie has really woken up today! He's exercising all of his little facial muscles and opening his beautiful eyes more:

And although he's still a very happy boy, he's letting us know when he's not so happy:

He had his hearing test today (which he passed with flying colors) and the technician pulled his hat over his eyes so he wouldn't look around (he needed to stay very still during the test and the tech said he was too alert):

Apparently, the following is a well known "spokes model" for a brand of bacon in the UK and Damian was quite struck by the resemblance:

Charlie loves being swaddled!

His little perch:

And just to prove that I am here:

Gaga having some special time with Charlie:

What a perfect little dude! I just love him already:) And YOU Momma look fabulous, out of your hospital gown on day 2!?!? Very impressive.
The whole Hirst family is impressive! So great to see the bond developing between all of them already. Ellie was SO excited to hear her little brother this morning!
I thought I had commented on this pictures, but apparently I didn't. Fabulous pictures, of course! Charlie is adorable and seeing Ellie and Jackson's friendship is always fun for me! :)
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