She and Dylan found the only muddy section and had fun running just for the sake or running...until they had a head-on collision and both ended up on the ground.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Fun at the Arboretum
Today, my moms group met at the Arboretum for a picnic and some picture-taking at their amazing pumpkin patch. The weather was perfect and Ellie loved running around with the other kiddos.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Ellie's latest
Damian and Ellie have started taking swim lessons and they're both really enjoying it! We didn't bring a camera to the first class, but here's a picture of her getting ready to go:
She's also broken in Charlie's new chair:
And this picture is a wonderful illustration of why we don't let Ellie watch very much TV. This is seriously what she looked like the other day. She would not break eye contact with the TV and she hardly blinked! Damian was actually doing a silly dance in front of the TV, trying to get her attention, and this is what she looked like after that...all she needs is a bag of potato chips and a coke, and she's practically a teenager!

A life of crime
Miss Ellie is already suffering the ill effects of a lack of attention! She's turned to a life of crime. The other day, Damian was in the pantry, getting out a few snacks to send home with Shiny Grandpa, and little Sticky Fingers Hirst went in behind him, grabbed a container of puffs, and ran before Damian even knew what happen. Wisely, she ran into the playroom, dumped them on the floor, and started shoveling them in her mouth before they could be taken away...and before Gracie could do her best impression of a vacuum cleaner!

Charlie's latest
We haven't been great about taking pictures of Charlie, but here are the latest...
His other favorite nap spot is his new (and much more masculine) bouncer. Doesn't it sort of look like he's got a walkie-talkie in his hand? "Come in good buddy, this is Poopy Pants, hollerin' at you from the living room. Time for a snooze. Over and out."
And he's even awake during the day sometimes...
Charlie finally decided that he's a fan of the Baby Bjorn (thank goodness!) and has no problem sleeping while I tote him around the house:

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Shiny Grandpa's visit
Shiny Grandpa drove down for a visit last week and we loved having him here. Ellie had a great time reading books and running up and down the driveway with Grandpa, and Charlie took some great naps in his arms!
Monday, September 21, 2009
Charlie's 1-month check-up
Charlie had his 1-month well visit today and he's doing very well. He now weighs 9 lbs, 15.5 oz (55th percentile), is 21.75 inches long (56th percentile), and his head is in the 72nd percentile. The poor guy had to have some blood taken because his bilirubin level has gone up a bit -- he was very brave and even fell asleep halfway through (of course he did -- he can't sleep in his bassinet, but can sleep through a nurse drawing vial after vial of blood).
Under fire
Last night, during Charlie's marathon wakeful time (seriously, the kid has incredible the middle of the night), I laid him on the bed to swaddle him and he let rip an impressive series of toots. Damian, who had been sound asleep, bolted upright and looked like he was about to run for cover. Apparently, Charlie's machine gun-like toots were loud enough to make him think we were under fire!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Cause for tears
Well, it's official. We're on our own. We had Gaga here for three weeks and then Auntie Jamie and Cousin Alex here for a week. It was fantastic having them here and I don't know how we would have survived without them. Actually, I don't know how we're going to survive without them now. Besides the really (awesome!) practical things that they did for us (we've hardly done a load of laundry, prepared a meal, or washed a dish since Charlie was born), they have loved on Ellie and given her all of the attention that we've been unable to give her. When Jamie and Alex left today, Ellie cried and cried. She's already been missing Gaga and now she walks around the house saying "Alex, Alex," pointing at the chair Alex sat in, the room she slept in, the carseat she sat in, etc. I wish we lived closer to family!
Here are some pictures from the visits...
Gaga and the kiddos
The girls loved playing with Damian -- they followed him around everywhere and on Saturday morning, he took them outside where they ran up and down the driveway, kicked their feet in the pool, and came in happy and soaking wet. Here's our sweet little toddler burritos:
Here are some pictures from the visits...
Charlie practicing his boxing moves in his sleep (probably a good idea for a little guy in a pink seat):

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