Shiny Grandpa drove down for a visit last week and we loved having him here. Ellie had a great time reading books and running up and down the driveway with Grandpa, and Charlie took some great naps in his arms!
Charlie's cool new Bronco outfit (thanks, Grandpa and Meme!). And check out that yawn!

I think these guys will be great football-watching pals!

Ellie and Grandpa's usual spot in the playroom:

Man, that book is hee-larious!

We're all working on teaching Charlie to keep his pacifier in his mouth...without much luck.

I think Charlie liked the kisses, don't you?!

Thanks for coming to visit us, Shiny Grandpa!
I had a wonderful time! There is just nothing else in life more satisfying than teaching Charlie the basics of football (while Damian deals with soccer and F1 racing) and reading with Ellie!
tap, tap, tap
What a fun week and how special to have that time with your dad:)
What a great visit!
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