Miss Ellie is already suffering the ill effects of a lack of attention! She's turned to a life of crime. The other day, Damian was in the pantry, getting out a few snacks to send home with Shiny Grandpa, and little Sticky Fingers
Hirst went in behind him, grabbed a container of puffs, and ran before Damian even knew what happen. Wisely, she ran into the playroom, dumped them on the floor, and started shoveling them in her mouth before they could be taken away...and before Gracie could do her best impression of a
vacuum cleaner!

Me? I didn't do anything! I'm too cute to be a criminal!
Poor girl has to steal food any way she can - she never, ever gets to eat otherwise!
Ha! Too funny! She's clearly starving.
AND starving for attention! Even while I was there, she could be found, wandering through the house, bright pink Crocs in hand, calling out "Gaga, gaga shoes."
Hope Gaga never plans to change to another color! ;-)
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