Wednesday, December 23, 2009

That's the way he rolls

A couple days ago, Charlie started rolling from his back to his tummy! Normally, he just rolls all the way over on his side but then gets stuck when he can't figure out how to roll over his arm. He's still swaddled at night so it makes it a lot easier to get that arm tucked under him and he made his first complete roll at 2:00 a.m., which I discovered when I found him face down in the crib. Very exciting...but slightly less so at that hour. Today, he rolled twice from his tummy to his back, but Gaga is fairly certain that it was luck (I didn't see it) -- we'll see if/when it happens again!


Jamie said...

Way to go, Charlie! Luck or not, that's awesome!!!

Shiny Grandpa said...

It all starts so slow... one little roll at a time... and then the gates clang open and the races have begun! He'll be keeping up with Ellie before long now. But will mommy and daddy? ;-)

Hillary Adams said...

Wow! Isn't that early? I don't remember but I think it clearly shows he's brilliant:)