Lest you think I've already fallen off the healthy baby food wagon, let me first say that the pancakes were uber healthy! They were buckwheat pancakes (no sugar) with shredded squash and cheese in them. Even by substituting the squash and cheese for bananas and syrup, Damian and I could hardly get through them, but Ellie loved them! She is SO good with finger foods -- she loves (LOVES!) feeding herself slices of banana and grapes (peeled and quartered -- can you say high maintenance?!).
Do you think she looks just a little sleepy after her big breakfast?!

Hmmm... buckwheat, squash, and cheese... yum! That girl really will eat anything! :) She looks so happy and I'm so glad that she likes finger foods so much! Maybe she'll rub off on Alex a little bit while you are here.
Ellie is the rock star of baby eating!!!
I was just thinking about having that combination for breakfast some morning! Or not! Please let us know if there is some combination Ellie does not like. Maybe it will be anything with refined sugar!
Actually, she's not a big fan of asparagus risotto, green beans, or beets. She'll happily eat all of the above if they're mixed with something else, but it's pretty tough to get her to eat them by themselves!
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