In Ellie's room, there is a small end/side table at the end of her crib. On the table, there is a bowl of pacifiers (she still takes one for naps and at bedtime) and a few other little things. This weekend, I noticed that she was going through pacifiers like crazy...there were several in her crib at the same time, and another handful on the floor near the table. Damian has been getting her up in the morning and putting her down for, and getting her up from naps, so I figured that he was just letting her play with the pacifiers. Remembering the eleventh commandment (Thou shalt not nag...especially when thou hast slept in for the last two days), I didn't say anything to Damian, I just picked them up and washed them. Finally, this afternoon, I couldn't help myself -- I found six pacifiers on the ground and two or three in her crib -- so I asked Damian if he had been giving Ellie extra pacifiers for nap. He said that he hadn't and had assumed that I had been giving them to her. Hhm. Turns out that Miss Ellie is quite resourceful. We had noticed (thanks to the video monitor) that she was spending a lot of time at the end of her crib, but we assumed that she just preferred that end for some unknown reason. But, in fact, there is a very good reason for her preference -- she can sit at the end of the crib and reach through the bars, grabbing pacifiers at will. Apparently, she can't always get them back through the bars and that's why there were so many on the floor. Clever girl!
OMG that is HILARIOUS!!! And you are in SOOOOO much trouble as she gets older. (And yes, I do realize that Alex "Sticky Fingers" Galyon probably taught her a few things back in June.)
Oh my gosh, I am hysterical reading this!!! She is so smart and funny!!! I am now scared of the combo of Sticky Fingers Hirst and Wild Man Jack. . .we are in for it in a few years!!! Luckily we've (and when I say "we" I really mean "I" b/c I don't think you caused much trouble as a kid) probably already tried most of the things they will come up with!
Adrienne didn't get in much trouble because she was so sneaky and she swore her sister to secrecy. The pacifiers are just the beginning of the slippery slope - watch out, Dallas!
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