Ellie's expression upon hearing her doctor's advice:
So that's the bad news. The good news is that Ellie is perfect! Her weight gain has slowed down a bit, but that was expected. She now weighs 21 lbs, 15 oz., putting her in the 90th percentile. And she's 29 inches long, which is also the 90th percentile. Her head, on the other hand, is in the 95th percentile. All the better to hold her impressive brain.
Since I haven't done a very good job of keeping a baby book for Ellie, here are all of her measurements from her past appointments:
6 months: 20 lbs, 1 oz. (95th+ percentile); 27.25 inches (95th percentile)
4 months: 16 lbs, 15 oz. (98th+ percentile); 27 inches (95th+ percentile)
2 months: 12 lbs, 3 oz. (85th percentile); 24 inches (95th percentile)
1 month: 9 lbs, 8 oz. (55th percentile); 22 inches (78th percentile)
2 weeks: 8 lbs, 4 oz. (50th percentile); 21.5 inches (85th percentile)
5 days: 7 lbs, 7 oz.; 21 inches
3 days: 7 lbs, 5 oz. (25th percentile)
birth: 7 lbs, 13 oz.; 21.75 inches
Say What? is right! What do you mean after all of this hard work, she can't get just a little snack in the middle of the night. Papa wouldn't go for it either. I can just hear him howling now!
Of course, Ellie is absolutely perfect! We don't need no doctor to be telling any of us that. Nine months - how they have flown by, what a beautiful baby and what rightfully proud parents you are. xoxoxoxo
I don't blame her for being appalled... 10 hours without eating?! :)
Like Mom said, of course she is perfect! We knew that! It's fun to see how she's grown. I can't believe that she is 9 months old already!
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