After celebrating Thanksgiving, we celebrated Christmas (naturally). The girls were spoiled rotten and ended up having to open a gift each time an adult opened a gift (i.e. Jamie opened a gift, Alex opened a gift, Grandpa opened a gift, Ellie opened a gift, Meme opened one, Alex opened one, Damian opened one, Ellie opened get the idea), and they still ended up with a huge stack of gifts to open after the rest of us were done.
We gave a backpack to Alex and she had so much fun loading it up with the rest of the toys that she opened.

And we hit the jackpot with a Mickey Mouse cell phone for Alex and a princess cell phone for Ellie -- doesn't Alex look like a little grown-up?!

Everyone got a mug (Gigi got a plate) with the girls' footprints and handprints.

Gigi opening a brag book -- we probably should have included notes of apology for all of the women she plays bridge with. ;-)

Ellie got several new toys that she just loves!

More Auntie Jamie love

Just checking to see if Gigi needed any help

All of the present-opening make Ellie really hungry. We had to move a couple of chairs into the living room and feed her breakfast while everyone continued opening presents.

Ellie absolutely loves her Uncle Eric (dubbed "Uncle Daddy" after this trip)! She was all smiles anytime he was around.

After the girls
finally finished opening gifts, and after Ellie had a little nap, Grandpa and Meme gave us all stockings full of delicious treats. Ellie got a little stuffed reindeer in her stocking and she thinks its hysterical...and delicious!

We headed home on Thursday (the "real" Thanksgiving) and it was so sad to say 'goodbye' to everyone. We had so much fun and the time passed way too quickly. Jamie and Eric were fantastic hosts! It was the most time that I've spent with Jamie since we were both in high school -- I hope we don't have to wait another 12 years to do it again!
What a wonderful, memorable time! I'm thrilled and just a little envious of all of the time you had together. I'm so grateful that you enjoy being together so much. Didn't I tell you that sisters are the best invention!
It really was so much fun! I hope we don't have to wait another 12 years either!!!
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