You might have noticed that there haven't been many pictures on our blog lately. That's because our camera apparently heard us contemplating getting a new one and promptly stopped working. Damian gave us a fancy new camera as an early Christmas present and we've been making up for lost time! Here's a close-up in case you've forgotten what she looks like:

On Thursday, we went over to Emma's and had lunch -- Ellie had vegetable lasagna and LOVED it! She initially panicked over having something warm in her mouth since her food is normally cold, but then she couldn't eat it fast enough. It's just crazy that she's old enough for 'normal' food!
After the lunch, the cousins had fun playing and Thomas really enjoyed being the big boy in the group.
We were so excited to get a cute picture of all three of them looking at the camera AND smiling! It was an early Christmas miracle!

This was the first position that we tried and it was really cute, but we didn't get a single picture that showed everyone's face!

Ellie's exit strategy:

It's hard to believe that Cousin Joseph is 6 1/2 months older than Ellie -- they're nearly the same size!

After playing, we went to Thomas's swim lesson and Joseph and Ellie both swam with Nana. The water was so cold that Ellie wasn't her normal wild self in the water, but she still had fun!
On Friday, we went to a children's museum with the kids and Grandad. The kids had so much fun running (or crawling) around and checking out all of the fun things to do!
The tongue on this huge mouth was really slippery, so the kids ended up using it as a slide:
For some reason, we didn't end up with a picture of Thomas, but both Thomas and Joseph ran around in these wolf (?) costumes:

Ellie took a little break while being wheeled around in this wagon:

And then she got to work pushing Joseph:
This is unrelated, but I thought the picture and story were pretty funny. The only night, Ellie was blowing raspberries and Damian thought she was just being silly or that maybe she had a little fuzz stuck in her mouth. Then, she suddenly spit out this huge piece of carpet. Sorry, Nana!

That just shows you that she is a discerning eater. No carpet for her! No sirreee, it's cat food all the way.
What fun!!! It's so great that Ellie has fun cousins on both sides of the family... playmates wherever she goes! (Yes, it helps that Thomas and Joseph want to play with her, but we're working on that part) And I'm glad you got a new camera... I missed Ellie's smiles!
Awesome pictures from the new camera!!! And I'm so glad she's having such a blast with her cousins:)
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