Someone (I'm not naming names, DAD!) made fun of me for liking Italian names when I clearly have no Italian roots; but today, Ellie proved that Annabella is the perfect middle name for her! She has a new favorite food -- pasta with marinara sauce and pureed pumpkin. It's so fun to see her starting to eat "normal," adult food!

Of course, if we had chosen her middle name based only on the foods she like, we could have named her Aarti since she also likes Indian, but we like Annabella better.
Amazing!!! I just love hearing about all the things that she'll eat, especially because Alex won't eat, well, any of them!
Yum! Ellie could teach us all alot about gourmet delights. Sometime, we should all eat the same meal as Ellie complete with using our hands. Any takers?
I just love her!!! And thanks for the baby food, Jackson enjoyed some of it for dinner this evening:)
Hey, I don't remember making fun of your Italian heritage...
And if you had picked a middle name based on the foods Ellie likes, she would be Ellis Omni Hirst, yes? Grandma Meme was trying to figure out if there is ANYONE in her family tree who is equally non-picky. We couldn't think of anyone...
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