What a very nice day! Ellie and I were both in a good mood because Damian is back from the UK -- Ellie couldn't stop smiling at him and Damian couldn't get over the fact that Ellie changed so much in just one week.
In addition to being happy that her favorite person is back in town, Ellie was excited to try a new food -- yogurt! The first few bites were met with quite a face (it basically said "what in the world is in my mouth? And why (WHY?) did you put it there?"), but she quickly decided that yogurt, like every other food she's tried, is delicious.
After spending the morning with Gaga while I went to a doctor's appointment, Ellie had a playdate with Jackson. It was so cute watching them share the toys and, of course, Ellie just loved watching Jackson. He's walking so well now and it just makes Ellie want to crawl even more.