Well, Ellie has officially graduated to the big girl bathtub! Not because she's too big for the baby tub, mind you. I think we could have used it for at least a few more months...even if her head did hang over the end and she was able to sit herself up in it. ;-)

Doesn't she look oh-so-comfortable?!

She LOVES the big bathtub! Ever since we started putting her in it, she gets SO excited when she hears the water running. She actually starts crying if I don't get her in the tub fast enough!

Being sprayed in the face by Mom. Isn't she a good sport?!
Already figuring out how to get out on her own!
By the way, did you notice that her cute little potbelly covers up her "business"?! I felt a little weird about posting bathtub pictures on the internet, but there's nothing to even censor thanks to that belly!
What a kick to see her loving her tubbie! We just cracked up seeing her high centered on the edge of the tub!
What a cutie!! Yes, the baby tub looks a little small... just a little. It's a big day when you move up to the big tub. I can't wait to see Alex and Ellie in the tub together!
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