Well, there isn't much to say except, "aren't these kids cute?!"

Alex helping Papa count M&M's on her plastic cookies:

Awh, Auntie Jamie!

I think one of the reasons that Ellie loves Papa so much is that he just seems to "get" her. Sometimes nothing hits the spot quite like a knuckle!

So proud of herself! Miss Ellie is now a pro with the push toy! She needs no help...except when she runs into a wall, chair, couch, TV, toy, etc., and needs someone to turn her around. I guess 'reverse' is the last gear to develop?

Finally I can identify something that Ellie definitely got from me instead of Damian -- she's nearly perfected the part eye roll, part raised eyebrow look!

Training for the 2020 Summer Olympics:

So, Uncle Eric, are you ready for another kiddo? Jamie and I left Eric in charge of the kids while we did some cleaning. Watching the two girls is a bit like herding cats and you have to be within arm's reach of Ellie at all times to make sure that she doesn't sneak a little treasure (a forgotten toy, a leaf, a sticker -- whatever she can get her hands on) into her mouth or touch Alex, but you simultaneously have to pay attention to whatever Alex is doing so she doesn't feel left out. It's exhausting. After watching them for about 15 minutes, Eric asked for clarification on our upcoming girls' night -- he wanted to make sure that one or both girls will be in bed before we go out. Can't blame him there. ;-)

Perhaps I should have told him how handy it is to stick Ellie in the sink when you need a little break.
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