My favorite memories from the family reunion:
1. Taking the girls up to Lands End where we fed the chipmunks. Alex did her awesome belly laugh the entire time and Ellie kept telling the chipmunks to "sit" (apparently, she thought they should work a little harder for their food).

2. All of the bocce ball and croquet games. I didn't actually play much, but I had fun watching the action and listening to all of the smack-talk surrounding the games.
3. Ellie embarrassing Jamie B. We were having breakfast (or dinner -- can't remember) and Jamie B., who was sitting across from Ellie, asking if anyone needed anything while he was up getting seconds. I asked him to get Ellie a refill on her milk. He came back with a full plate, but no milk cup. I thought I would finish my meal and then go get her cup, but Ellie wasn't willing to let Jamie off the hook that easily. After Jamie settled back into his chair, Ellie shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, "MILK?!" Jamie launched out of his chair faster than I thought possible and ran to get Miss Ellie's milk.
4. Alex playing the piano and, after being told not to mess with the sheet music on the piano, turning to Jamie and saying matter-of-factly (as she turned the page in the sheet music), "I done with that one."
5. Playing the dictionary game -- who knew there were so many definitions about firewood-carrying guinea pigs from South America?!
6. Damian getting roped into cleaning poo off of one of Gaga and Papa's little lambs
3. Ellie embarrassing Jamie B. We were having breakfast (or dinner -- can't remember) and Jamie B., who was sitting across from Ellie, asking if anyone needed anything while he was up getting seconds. I asked him to get Ellie a refill on her milk. He came back with a full plate, but no milk cup. I thought I would finish my meal and then go get her cup, but Ellie wasn't willing to let Jamie off the hook that easily. After Jamie settled back into his chair, Ellie shouted loud enough for everyone to hear, "MILK?!" Jamie launched out of his chair faster than I thought possible and ran to get Miss Ellie's milk.
4. Alex playing the piano and, after being told not to mess with the sheet music on the piano, turning to Jamie and saying matter-of-factly (as she turned the page in the sheet music), "I done with that one."
5. Playing the dictionary game -- who knew there were so many definitions about firewood-carrying guinea pigs from South America?!
6. Damian getting roped into cleaning poo off of one of Gaga and Papa's little lambs
7. Art saying to me, "I think you've gotten bigger since we've been here. Why is that?"
Papa, Ellie, Alex and Cody:

Cousin Cody (dubbed "Cooky" by Ellie):

My favorite memories from the extra time with Gaga and Papa:
1. Swimming (almost) every afternoon in their great pool. Actually, I only swam one and a half times (see favorite memory #2), but it was fun to sit pool side while they swam.
2. Jumping in the pool, fully clothed, to defend myself after being soaked by Gaga, Jamie, Alex and two noodles (they perfected the art of using the noodles like a blow-dart gun!).
3. Ellie reprimanding her milk cup for a good 15 minutes after Ellie was reprimanded for throwing it on the floor (AGAIN!). She pointed at it accusingly and said "noooo! nooooo!" while pursing her lips and giving it the evil eye.
4. Alex and Ellie being crazy and jumping on Gaga and Papa's bed.
My favorite memories from the time in Grand Junction:
1. Ellie pointing at Gigi and saying "Gaga!" (for the 100th time) and everyone, in unison, saying "GIGI!"
2. The girls being totally entertained throwing crab apples into the ditch behind Gigi's house...and remembering doing the same thing when Jamie and I were little.
3. Watching Ellie run, jump, and squeal with joy when we took her to the soft play area in the mall. She was almost frantic with excitement over being able to touch anything (and everything) and being more than an arm's length from a supervising adult (I think she was a little tired of hearing "no, don't touch that!"). She also made a little friend while we were there -- Reef, a 21-month old little girl, followed Ellie around, trying to give her a hug, and the two of them explored the play area together.
4. Playing Aggravation over and over and over again!
The girls and their Shiny Grandpa:
I love all those memories!! I can't possibly pick the best!
Pictures are edited, but not posted... tomorrow, hopefully?!
Papa and Gaga have a memory to add to this already great list. We started to try to anticipate all of the things that Ellie could get into and put them up. We never could have guessed that we would see her walking by with the bathroom scale in hand.
I LOVE those memories, what an incredible trip!
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