Today, Jackson came over for a playdate and Ellie was SO excited to see him! She jumped and danced around the playroom while Jackson worked intently on making a necklace out of some big plastic beads (I've never seen a kiddo his age work so intently on a project!).

Checking out Jax's handy work:

I told Ellie to go sit by Jackson so I could get a picture of them together and she apparently thought this meant sit on his lap -- she kept trying, but Jackson couldn't be distracted from his task:

Still trying to sit on him:

Finally! Jackson accomplished his goal:

Btw, you may have noticed that Ellie is in various states of undress in all of the recent pictures. She seems to have some sympathy side effects of this pregnancy and she's always hot...and sweating. I can't turn the air down low enough to keep us both comfortable, so she spends most of her time naked or close to it. If only it were more socially acceptable for a big old pregnant woman to do the same!
There's nothing better than Ellie's back up moves to sit down! Jackson, what a big boy. I love how intent on a task he is. What a smart boy!
Thanks so much for watching Jax yesterday! He did wake up this morning asking to "live Ellie's house." I love the pictures too:) What sweet and adorable babies!
Does anyone else find this vaguely familiar? Think "Peanuts." Lucy and Schroder. Substitute a piano for the necklace.
Fine. I'm busting a gut here.
Too cute!!! Love the pictures and the friendship... just doesn't get better! And you can walk around the house naked- we won't judge as long as you don't post pictures!
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