Tuesday, July 7, 2009

He has a gift

Last night, Damian and I were watching TV. I was laying down with my head on the armrest of the couch, feet on the ottoman (I was sort of bent in half), and Damian was sitting next to me. Out of nowhere...
Damian: "Do you think we should call the baby 'James'?"
Me: "Uh, I don't know...?"
Damian: "Because then it would be James and the Giant Peach" and he pointedly looks at and rubs my bum.
Me: blank stare
Damian: "ha! Do you know that book?" More pointed looks.
Me: blank stare
Damian: "James and the Giant Peach. Ha!"
Me: blank stare
Damian: "Awh, my plumpcious wife."

I know every husband puts his foot in his mouth at times, but really, you have to admit that Damian has a gift for doing it in the most creative, unashamed ways!


Jamie said...

Still laughing! Granted, if that had been about my bum he probably wouldn't still be alive, but about someone else's bum... hilarious!

Shiny Grandpa said...

Speaking as a husband...


as long as you keep talking, the pressure is less on the rest of us.


BaxtersCZM said...

Yes, Jame, I do seem to remember some unhappiness about a "speed bump". Maybe it is a cultural thing - I can see how being referred to as a fruit might be a term of endearment.

Hillary Adams said...

Hmmm, Damian, you will learn. . .someday!