Friday, July 10, 2009


Until now, Ellie has been content to torture Gracie by sitting on her, standing on her paws, etc. Today, she found a creative new way to inflict terror -- while I was packing and getting ready for my girls' weekend (my first time away from Ellie -- agh!), Ellie chased Gracie around the bathroom, throwing tampons at her. Some might ask why I allowed that to continue, but only those who haven't been around Ellie long enough to realize that sometimes it's easier to clean up the mess afterward and be able to actually get some things done than to get her to understand why it's not okay to use an entire jumbo box of tampons as missiles against the "enemy"!


Jamie said...

Hahahaha!!! Too funny! Poor Gracie... years of abuse coming your way!

Jamie said...

Can totally understand the tampons! We're sure Gracie would rather face that indignity than a bathroom scale coming her way!

BaxtersCZM said...

That last comment was from Gaga and Papa in Broomfield! Forgot to change our name.

sue said...

Oh that definitely brought a smile to my face. I could just picture the scene. Ellie, what fun!!

Hillary Adams said...

Ellie, you are AWESOME:) Such a funny story!